C 6.12. Pleats, double folds
C6 damage sub-categories:
C 6.1. Rust accretion, foxing
C 6.2. Glass-like layers
C 6.3. Stains, accretion
C 6.3.1. Handling marks
C 6.3.2. Ink stains
C 6.4. Ink corrosion
C 6.5. Ink loss; fading
C 6.6. Offset
C 6.7. Ink flake off; detachment of the parchment
C 6.8. Tears, splits
C 6.9. Pleats
C 6.10. Cockling
C 6.11. Curling
C 6.12. Pleats, double folds
C 6.13. Folds
C 6.14. Contraction, shrinkage
C 6.15. Internal loss
C 6.16. Edge loss
C 6.17. Blooms; calcite deposits
C 6.18. Micro-biological damage, mould, grazing
C 6.19. Brittleness
C 6.20. Rigidity, stiffness
A fold is a linear distortion of a material. For example, the formatting of parchment requires folds or double folds, which can however damage the parchment. Pleats are a special type of folds.

Ürik TLA.230.1.BB_24/ii, 1381. a. br>
Paindes, püstine jäik volt
Jäigad ja silmatorkavalt püstised voldid esinevad pärgamendi kokkumurrete piirkondades. br>
Stiff and conspicuously upright folds occur in areas of parchment folds.

Ürik TLA.230.1.Aa3
Volt, plisseevolt
Volt on materjali lineaarne moonutus. Üriku ja köite vormistamisel oli volt või kaksikvolt( pliseevolt) vajalik töövõte.
Pildil on dokumenteeritud sisuploki köiteseljal olevad kaksikvoldid e pliseevoldid. br>
A fold is a linear distortion of a material. A fold or a double fold (pliseefold) was a necessary technique when forming the document and binding.
The picture documents the double folds and pleat folds on the spine of the content block.

Volt, plisseevolt
Volt on materjali lineaarne moonutus. Voldid ja kaksikvoldidid võivad tekkida ka pärgamendi hoidmisel ja käsitsemisel. Pliseevolt on voldi erikuju. br>
A fold is a linear distortion of a material. Folds and double folds can also occur during storage and handling of the parchment. Pleated pleat is a special form of pleat.