C 6.1. Rust accretion, foxing
C6 damage sub-categories:
C 6.1. Rust accretion, foxing
C 6.2. Glass-like layers
C 6.3. Stains, accretion
C 6.3.1. Handling marks
C 6.3.2. Ink stains
C 6.4. Ink corrosion
C 6.5. Ink loss; fading
C 6.6. Offset
C 6.7. Ink flake off; detachment of the parchment
C 6.8. Tears, splits
C 6.9. Pleats
C 6.10. Cockling
C 6.11. Curling
C 6.12. Pleats, double folds
C 6.13. Folds
C 6.14. Contraction, shrinkage
C 6.15. Internal loss
C 6.16. Edge loss
C 6.17. Blooms; calcite deposits
C 6.18. Micro-biological damage, mould, grazing
C 6.19. Brittleness
C 6.20. Rigidity, stiffness
In most cases, rust stains are brownish or yellowish in colour and are caused by long-term contact between metal with the parchment.
Foxing stains are brownish dots or spots that usually occur in clusters.
Fluctuations in humidity and temperature, together with sulphur and nitrogen dioxide in the environment, result in the degradation of parchment. The chemical reactions (hydrolysis and oxidation) that cause degradation can be significantly accelerated by the impact of metal inserts containing metal compounds and iron gall ink. Foxing stains are localised and easy to discern.

Ürik TLA.230.1.cm4, 13. saj.
Rooste, rebaseplekk e. foksing
Enamikel juhtudel on rooste pruunikad, kollakad plekid, mis on tekkinud metalli kokkupuutest pärgamendiga
Keskaegse ahelköite metallist panused on pikaaegsel kokkupuutel pärgamendiga seda tõsiselt kahjustanud. Rooste kahjustus ulatub koodeksi sisuplokis metallpanusega kokkupuutekohast läbi mitme pärgamendist lehe.

Ürik AM.115.2.1,
Rooste, rebaseplekk e.foksing
Rebaseplekid on väikese läbimõõduga punakaspruunid plekid, mille tekkepõhjuseks peetakse metalliühendite, bioloogiliste mõjutuste ja loomse pigmendi, melaniini, koosmõju.
Rebaseplekid esinevad tavaliselt kogumitena.