C 6.11. Curling
C 6.1. Rust accretion, foxing
C 6.2. Glass-like layers
C 6.3. Stains, accretion
C 6.3.1. Handling marks
C 6.3.2. Ink stains
C 6.4. Ink corrosion
C 6.5. Ink loss; fading
C 6.6. Offset
C 6.7. Ink flake off; detachment of the parchment
C 6.8. Tears, splits
C 6.9. Pleats
C 6.10. Cockling
C 6.11. Curling
C 6.12. Pleats, double folds
C 6.13. Folds
C 6.14. Contraction, shrinkage
C 6.15. Internal loss
C 6.16. Edge loss
C 6.17. Blooms; calcite deposits
C 6.18. Micro-biological damage, mould, grazing
C 6.19. Brittleness
C 6.20. Rigidity, stiffness
This is a wave-shaped deformation of the parchment.
There is often a slight curling of the parchment surface in high-quality and well-preserved parchments. In most cases, such slightly wavy surfaces are easy to flatten under slight pressure. The fibrous structure of parchment, consisting mainly of protein collagen (≥95%) and elastin molecules (≤5%), is based on a strong structural network. Within specific molecular degrees of freedom, the extraordinarily long (approx. 300 nm) collagen microfibers (fibrils) have the ability to balance the internal stresses in the parchment as the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) change. As a result, the surface of the parchment becomes slightly wavy, thereby retaining its flexibility.
![<a href='http://www.ra.ee/pargamendid/index.php/et/parchment/view?id=15139&_xr=eNpLtDK0qs60MrBOtDKBMIqtDM2slAoSi5IzclPzSvSLU0FMJaC4uZVSUWpacn5KKohnCOSG%252BDjqGRkb6BnqOfnHG1roJ4ElrJQKobQhiLawUspJzEsvTUwH6zOyUkotUbKurQUA0Y8j0Q%253D%253D' target='_blank' rel="noopener">Ürik TLA.230.1.bo_18/b</a> 10. saj. </ br>
Pinna lainelisus. Lokkimine.
Pinna ebatasasus, mis sirgeneb kerge vajutise all. Dokumenteeritud läbivas valguses.</ br>
Surface roughness that straightens under light pressure. Documented in transmitted light.](https://pergament.ee/wp-content/uploads/cache/2016/11/C6_11_tla0230_001_BO-2-18-1-b_00001_x_ul/2915240170.jpg)
![<a href='http://www.ra.ee/pargamendid/index.php/et/parchment/view?id=15139&_xr=eNpLtDK0qs60MrBOtDKBMIqtDM2slAoSi5IzclPzSvSLU0FMJaC4uZVSUWpacn5KKohnCOSG%252BDjqGRkb6BnqOfnHG1roJ4ElrJQKobQhiLawUspJzEsvTUwH6zOyUkotUbKurQUA0Y8j0Q%253D%253D' target='_blank' rel="noopener">Ürik TLA.230.1.bo_18/b</a> 10. saj. </ br>
Pinna lainelisus. Lokkimine.
Pinna ebatasasus, mis sirgeneb kerge vajutise all.
Kvaliteetne, kahelt poolt lõhestatud pärgament on hästi säilinud. Pinna kerge lokkimine esineb ühtlaselt üle pinna. Dokumenteeritud kaldvalguses.</ br>
Surface roughness that straightens under light pressure.
The high-quality parchment, split on both sides, is well preserved. Slight curling of the surface occurs evenly over the surface. Documented in oblique light.](https://pergament.ee/wp-content/uploads/cache/2016/11/C6_11_tla0230_001_BO-2-18-1-b_00001_x_sl/447593454.jpg)