C 6.19. Brittleness
C6 damage sub-categories:
C 6.1. Rust accretion, foxing
C 6.2. Glass-like layers
C 6.3. Stains, accretion
C 6.3.1. Handling marks
C 6.3.2. Ink stains
C 6.4. Ink corrosion
C 6.5. Ink loss; fading
C 6.6. Offset
C 6.7. Ink flake off; detachment of the parchment
C 6.8. Tears, splits
C 6.9. Pleats
C 6.10. Cockling
C 6.11. Curling
C 6.12. Pleats, double folds
C 6.13. Folds
C 6.14. Contraction, shrinkage
C 6.15. Internal loss
C 6.16. Edge loss
C 6.17. Blooms; calcite deposits
C 6.18. Micro-biological damage, mould, grazing
C 6.19. Brittleness
C 6.20. Rigidity, stiffness
When handling brittle parchment, the mechanical strength and flexibility of the material are significantly and the material break easily.

Ürik TLA.230.1.BB_40/ii
Pärgamendi füüsilise tugevuse vähenemise tulemusena on pärgament raskesti käsitletav
Hapraks muutunud pärgament. Bioloogilised kahjustused on sagedaks põhjuseks pärgamendi hapraks muutmisel. br>
As a result of the reduced physical strength of the parchment, the parchment is difficult to handle
Parchment that has become fragile. Biological damage is a common cause of making parchment brittle.

Ürik TLA.230.1.cm4, 13. saj.
Rabe, habras.
Keskaegse ahelköite esilehe bioloogilised kahjustused on selle muutnud hapraks.
Pärgamendi füüsilise tugevuse vähenemise tulemusena on pärgament raskesti käsitletav. br>
Brittle, fragile.
Biological damage to the front page of a medieval chain binding has made it fragile.
As a result of the reduced physical strength of the parchment, the parchment is difficult to handle.

Ürik TLA.230.1.BB_74/i, 1480. a. br>
Rabe, habras. Pärgamendi füüsilise tugevuse vähenemise tulemusena on pärgament raskesti käsitletav. Materjali irdumine ja sisemine kadu on muutnud pärgamendi hapraks. br>
Brittle, fragile. As a result of the reduced physical strength of the parchment, the parchment is difficult to handle. Material shedding and internal loss have made the parchment fragile.