A 2.10. Presence of a grain layer
A 2 damage subcategories:
A 2.1. Holes
A 2.2. Hair remains
A 2.3. Striations
A 2.4. Traces of jagged action
A 2.5. Veining, vein evidence, drainage of blood vessels
A 2.6. Variation in thickness
A 2.7. Opacity, transparency
A 2.8. Splitting
A 2.9. Variation in colour or surface appearance, matte, semi-matte, glossy
A 2.10. Presence of grain layer
Total or partial existence of the grain layer.
In the case of parchment made into a single-sheet document, the recto and verso sides were often treated differently and therefore were visually distinct. A grain layer on the verso side of the document has been occurring more frequently since the 15th century. For a variety of reasons, the existence of this layer can significantly accelerate the degradation of the parchment.

Ürik TLA.230.1-i.617, 1436. a.
Pindmine kiht.
Pindmise kihiga pärgamendi puhul on tegemist epidermise kihi täieliku või osalise olemasoluga.
Pärgamendi töötlemisel on pindmine kiht verso poolel jäänud osaliselt eemaldamata.
The surface layer.
In the case of parchment with a superficial layer, it is the complete or partial presence of the epidermal layer.
During the processing of the parchment, the surface layer on the verso side has not been partially removed.

Ürik TLA230.1-i.587, 1428. a. br>
Pindmine kiht.
Epidermise kihi täielik või osaline olemasolu
Eemaldamata pindmine kiht pärgamendi verso poolel. br>
The surface layer.
Complete or partial presence of the epidermal layer
Unremoved surface layer on the verso side of the parchment.