B 3.2. Chalking
The polished surface is made smoother and lighter by chalking.
To lighten the surface, chalk powder (Calcium carbonate CaCO3 containing various salts of magnesium and calcium) was rubbed into the damp skin. This helped to make the surface stronger and whiter. In the case of careless processing, the chalk powder covered the surface unevenly and left a slightly linear texture on the surface.
An especially white and high-quality surface was achieved when a paste-like mixture of chalk, egg whites, flour and milk was used.
![<a href='http://www.ra.ee/pargamendid/index.php/et/parchment/view?id=15526&_xr=eNpLtDK0qs60MrBOtDKBMIqtDM2slAoSi5IzclPzSvSLU0FMJaC4uZVSUWpacn5KKohnaGqlFOLjqGdkbKBnqJupZ2lmBha2UiqE0oYg2sJKKScxL700MR2sy8hKKbVEybq2FgCEgiMg' target='_blank' rel="noopener">Ürik TLA.230.1-i.966</a>, 1523. a. </ br>
Kriidiga viimistletud pind.
Lihvitud pind on kriidipuruga muudetud siledamaks ja heledamaks
Läbi kriidiga lihvitud ja heledamaks muudetud pinna on nähtav pärgamendi tugev degradeerumine. </ br>
Surface finished with chalk.
The polished surface is made smoother and brighter with chalk dust
Strong degradation of the parchment is visible through the chalked and lightened surface.](http://pergament.ee/wp-content/uploads/cache/2016/09/B3_02_tla0230_1-0-i_0000966_00001_xdt1_sl/15425626.jpg)
Ürik TLA.230.1-i.966, 1523. a. br>
Kriidiga viimistletud pind.
Lihvitud pind on kriidipuruga muudetud siledamaks ja heledamaks
Läbi kriidiga lihvitud ja heledamaks muudetud pinna on nähtav pärgamendi tugev degradeerumine. br>
Surface finished with chalk.
The polished surface is made smoother and brighter with chalk dust
Strong degradation of the parchment is visible through the chalked and lightened surface.
![<a href='http://www.ra.ee/pargamendid/index.php/et/parchment/view?id=16929&_xr=eNotjMsNgCAQRHvZBhSixgwnC7AIYgiSKH5YTsbedZXTm7zJjIXCFVAbi%252FYPCaoD7fac5tVFrpKTSOIVKMTEgTOHLYrSoGH8OtBRqISNXHhXlBb2oMVGn4t%252Bp47J3PcDRN8nLA%253D%253D' target='_blank' rel="noopener">Ürik AM.50.1.89</a>, <a href='http://www.ra.ee/pargamendid/index.php/et/parchment/view?id=16341&_xr=eNotjEEOgkAQBP8yD1h3TFBoTj7AR0xwxE1gUXY4Ef5OBjlVpdJpAWNNiK2g%252BksB30BfmbvPqNkuRV3JO4NSLpZssTRlT1fQ4%252BlyB8367qaXHsvoPVQxcKibo4B%252BJ9lZgwbJ%252FSK9nj9q1G7bDlr6Koc%253D' target='_blank' rel="noopener">ürik AM. a.</a> </br>
Kriidiga viimistletud pind.
Lihvitud pind on kriidipuruga muudetud siledamaks ja heledamaks
Dokumenteeritud on dokumendi servades paksu kriidikorra alla peidetud jäsemete naha külge kinnitumise alade tugev degradeerumine, kriidiga viimistletud pärgamentide deformeerumine ja lõhestumine.</ br>
Surface finished with chalk.
The polished surface is made smoother and brighter with chalk dust
Strong degradation of the areas where the limbs are attached to the skin, hidden under a thick layer of chalk at the edges of the document, deformation and splitting of parchments finished with chalk are documented.](http://pergament.ee/wp-content/uploads/cache/2016/09/B3_02_amd0050_001_0000089-90_00001_x_dt_sl/1321688062.jpg)
Ürik AM.50.1.89, ürik AM. a.
Kriidiga viimistletud pind.
Lihvitud pind on kriidipuruga muudetud siledamaks ja heledamaks
Dokumenteeritud on dokumendi servades paksu kriidikorra alla peidetud jäsemete naha külge kinnitumise alade tugev degradeerumine, kriidiga viimistletud pärgamentide deformeerumine ja lõhestumine. br>
Surface finished with chalk.
The polished surface is made smoother and brighter with chalk dust
Strong degradation of the areas where the limbs are attached to the skin, hidden under a thick layer of chalk at the edges of the document, deformation and splitting of parchments finished with chalk are documented.